CBT and LRP Exam Formats are available for All NABCEP Board Certification and Associate Exams!
Exam Formats
Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Format
Computer-based testing (CBT) is an internet-based form of assessment, which allows Candidates to choose a time and location to take their exam by computer at a Meazure Learning testing facility. Upon acceptance of an application to sit for a Board Certification or Associate exam, Candidates will receive a Notice-to-Schedule (NTS) email from Meazure Learning with instructions on how to select a location, date, and time for their exam. Candidates have six (6) months from the date their application is approved to schedule their CBT Exam. CBT Candidates are subject to Meazure Learning’s cancellation and rescheduling policies. All Candidates must submit scheduling requests to Meazure Learning at least two (2) business days prior to the date the Candidate wishes to take or reschedule their exam. The reschedule request must be submitted through Meazure Learning’s online scheduling system. A rescheduling fee will apply and must be paid online at the time of the request.
Live Remote Proctoring (LRP) Format
Live remote proctoring (LRP) is an internet-based form of assessment, which allows Candidates to take NABCEP exams from any location on their personal computer. Upon acceptance of an application to sit for a Board Certification or Associate exam, Candidates will receive a Notice-to-Schedule (NTS) email from Meazure Learning with instructions on how to schedule their exam. Candidates have six (6) months from the date their application is approved to schedule their LRP exam. LRP Candidates are subject to Meazure Learning’s cancellation and rescheduling policies. All Candidates must submit scheduling requests to Meazure Learning at least two (2) business days prior to the date the Candidate wishes to take or reschedule their exam. The reschedule request must be submitted through Meazure Learning’s online scheduling system. A rescheduling fee will apply and must be paid online at the time of the request.
LRP Technical Requirements
To take an LRP exam, it is important the computer you will be taking the test on meets the following system requirements:
- Windows 10 or newer
- A well-working computer with 1 GB of RAM or higher
- A high-speed Internet connection of 2 Mbps upload and 2 Mbps download. Wireless is acceptable; however, a wired connection is preferred.
- A webcam with 640×480 video pixel resolution (a laptop camera is acceptable)
- Working speakers connected to the computer
- A microphone connected to the computer (consider a webcam with a built-in microphone)
- Browser compatibility: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari