NABCEP Registered Training Providers

List your Renewable Energy courses on NABCEP's Course Catalog
NABCEP Certifications Associate Program For Training Providers

Become a NABCEP Registered Training Provider

NABCEP maintains two Training Provider Registries to help Applicants and Certificants meet the educational requirements for NABCEP exams and recertification. Once registered, all courses are listed in the NABCEP Course Catalog, which maps each course to the relevant NABCEP Board Certification or credential, and includes a link to the Provider’s website.

Also on this page:

For first level courses, go to the Associate Program, below.

For advanced level CE training, go to the Advanced Trainings section below.

To qualify your training for GI BILL REIMBURSEMENT, see below.

NABCEP Associate Registered Training Providers

NABCEP’s Associate Program offers NABCEP Associate Credentials to qualifying candidates who pass the NABCEP Associate Exam in Photovoltaics (PVA), Solar Heating (SHA), or Small Wind (SWA) technologies. NABCEP’s Associate Credentials cover fundamental areas of knowledge and rely on a network of NABCEP Associate Registered Training Providers who have third-party accreditation to deliver training covering one or more of the Associate Job Task Analysis or Learning Objectives.

All NABCEP Associate Registered Training Providers may authorize individuals who completed the requisite training to take the Associate exam in computer-based testing (CBT) format through NABCEP’s testing vendor, Meazure Learning. Meazure Learning has testing centers available across the US and around the globe. Qualifying North American based Providers may also opt to offer the Associate Exam in Paper and Pencil (P&P) format.

For program requirements, policies and procedures on becoming a NABCEP Associate Registered Training Provider:

Associate Registered Training Providers self-enroll by clicking on the appropriate self-enrollment button below. The application will automatically populate to your myNABCEP account.  If you do not have a myNABCEP account, you will be prompted to open one during the self-enrollment. Permission to use the course content submitted must be verified as part of the application process.

To sign up to become a NABCEP Photovoltaic (PV) Associate Registered Training Provider:

To sign up to become a NABCEP Solar Heating (SH) Associate Registered Training Provider:

To sign up to become a NABCEP Small Wind (SW) Associate Registered Training Provider:

NABCEP CE Registered Training Providers for Advanced-level Training

Advanced-level technical training is required for all NABCEP Board Certification Exams and Recertifications.

What is Advanced Training?

For NABCEP purposes, “advanced training” is defined as a course which provides instruction beyond “basic,” “fundamental,” or “introductory” installation principles and practices. Courses should be designed for the professional who is prepared to maintain a decision-making role in the design, project management, installation, operation, and/or commissioning & maintenance of a system.

Accredited Institutions

Training Providers from educational institutions with third-party accreditation (colleges, vocational schools, government-approved apprenticeships) may register advanced-level courses to meet the requirements for Applicants for NABCEP’s Board Certification Exams.

Each exam is based on its own Job Task Analysis (JTA). Registration for these courses requires Training Providers to illustrate how their curriculum relates to at least one NABCEP JTA. Courses accepted through this registration will automatically qualify to satisfy prerequisites for other NABCEP exams and recertification requirements, if applicable.

Non-Accredited Classes

Advanced-level technical training courses offered by manufacturers, corporations, and conferences may register their qualifying course to meet NABCEP’s recertification requirements. All NABCEP credentials must be renewed with Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every 3 years.

To register your educational institution to become a NABCEP Registered Training Provider for Advanced Training:

Accreditation Fees Notes
ASSOCIATE PROGRAM 3rd Party Accreditation Application + Annual Renewal Fee
ADVANCED COURSES FOR EXAM QUALIFICATION 3rd Party Accreditation Application + Annual Renewal Fee 18 of the 58 hours of training to qualify for the PV Installation Professional exam may come from accredited or non-accredited sources


No Accreditation Required Application + Annual Renewal Fee

Your solar classes can qualify for GI Bill Reimbursement Benefits!

View the below video to learn how to Register Your Training Institution with WEAMS & Get Veterans into Solar!

NABCEP’s professional Board Certifications (PVIP, PVTS, PVSI, PVDS, PVCMS and PVIS) and Associate credential (PVA) have been qualified by the Veterans Affairs office to be accepted for GI Bill reimbursement benefits. This means that Veterans can now take solar training courses at our Registered Training Providers and have the costs of the course and exam be reimbursed to them.

We at NABCEP strongly encourage all of our training providers to register both their training institutions and solar/PV courses with their State Approving Agencies to qualify for WEAMS. WEAMS is the central database for the Veterans Affairs education system that collects all the training providers (and their classes) that are eligible for full GI Bill reimbursement benefits. Watch this video above to see how the process works. Please register your institution and class as soon as possible!

WEAMS Information PDF:

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at